Private practice is a rewarding yet challenging undertaking.
Undoubtedly your primary mission involves providing excellent clinical care to your patients. However, in today’s ever-evolving landscape, achieving clinical excellence alone may not be sufficient to ensure sustainable success in your practice.
We invite you to the upcoming Specialist Growth Summit, A FREE online summit dedicated to Australian Medical Specialists to focus on the business elements of your clinic.
Practice Success Collective assembled 13 experts that focus on a variety of business functions to share their insights, discuss the latest issues and challenges and reflect on the opportunities. From legal, accounting, finance, marketing, investing, practice management, people and culture, systems and practice design the summit has been carefully curated to provide you with valuable and actionable information.
The summit starts on Monday 11th September @7:30pm and runs for 4 sessions:
Here’s what will be covered during each session.
Monday 11th September @7:30pm
Presented by:
Zac Herps – Hillhouse Legal Partners
Angela Jeffery – William Buck
Julian Muldoon – 1 Group
Whether you are considering taking the plunge into private practice or you are a seasoned Specialist Practice owner, learn the importance of having clarity of vision and a robust strategic business and property investment plan in order to create wealth faster whilst enjoying a fulfilling life of purpose. Discover the secrets to growing your net worth year on year!
Tuesday 12th September @7:30pm
Presented by:
Toltu Tufa – Shura Psychology
Zipporah French – Prescribe
Jerry Kennard – Evoke Projects
Discover the importance of investing in your team with the Systems, Learning & Development and Environment that will set them up for success. Creating a ‘people centric’ culture of connection and wellbeing, combined with the tools and techniques that enable your team to perform at their best; ensures the ultimate client experience for your patients, whilst enabling improved clinical outcomes and practice owner work/life balance!
Monday 18th September @7:30pm
Presented by:
Michelle Tayler – Marketing Practices
Rami Weiss – HealthShare
John Wigg – Zedmed
Learn the importance of understanding your target market implicitly, the strategies you can implement to stand out in a crowded market place and the networking required to build your referral base to ensure a sustainable pipeline. Knowing your ideal patient is also key to capitalising on your current patient data, engaging with them and targeting those that are willing to pay your price.
Tuesday 19th September @7:30pm
Presented by:
Dr Pankaj Arora – WiSE Medical
Teresa Nguyen – Credabl
Nick Jayarakan – Interfuse
Understand the importance of access to capital in order to grow your Specialist practice and the funding appetite, models and lending structures available to you. Discover the different styles of real estate and infrastructure available to accommodate practice growth, and determine what works best for your expansion plans based on your specific modality.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to take your practice to the next level.
Can’t make the live sessions? Don’t worry, everyone who registers will receive access to the custom-built replay portal and podcast replay.
Register now and join us at the Specialist Growth Summit 2023.
Specialists Growth Summit 2023:
Secure Send vs Secure Messaging, what’s their purposes, benefits, and why are they important features for practice management softwares.
A guide for clinics in Australia on Real-time Prescription Monitoring (RTPM). Learn how to set up RTPM appropriate for your state.
Learn the true costs of running a medical practice in Australia, including staffing, equipment, rent, and compliance for a successful launch.
Setting up a medical practice requires careful planning, legal registration, and insurance. Follow our essential checklist to ensure a smooth setup for a compliant, efficient, and patient-centered clinic. Click to learn more!